
The Power of Core Health: A Testimony

For the past five years, I’ve had the immense pleasure of facilitating the Core Health and Heart Forgiveness Series to hundreds of people, over 200 of them from our Pinellas County School System! We’ve received extremely encouraging feedback from participants, even two years after they participated in these life-enhancing processes. Here’s one from a Pinellas County School Social Worker, Michele Glenn, who participated in these series with her husband, Robert Glenn. (Robert said after doing the Core Health Series, “This is the BEST workshop I’ve EVER experienced!”)

“I have found both Core Health and Heart Forgiveness workshops to be very meaningful to me. I have integrated the benefit of these experiences into my being and most assuredly, my soul is at peace. I have highly recommended these programs to entire faculties and staff at both elementary schools where I work, providing much encouragement to others to also participate in these workshops. (Staff frequently approach me about resources for their personal issues.) I have used many of the tools from the workshops with children and colleagues – individually, in small groups and in classrooms – and in articles that I write for school newsletters for the families we serve. I truly believe that the quality of my life has been greatly enhanced through the processes I have learned. I believe that the light, warmth and peace that I share with others supports their feeling loved, and promotes their love of self and others as well. I receive daily hugs and messages of spontaneous love from both children and adults with whom I work. I will continue to practice daily what I have learned through Core Health and Heart Forgiveness. Thank you for a wonderful experience!

I have several colleagues who have been through the courses also tell me that they utilize what they have learned in their work with students and staff. Providing these workshops to school employees is most assuredly having an exponential impact on the lives of others. . . teachers, school staff, children and families.”

Michele Glenn, L.C.S.W. 4/11/11

A Teacher’s Testimony

For the past five years, I’ve had the immense pleasure of facilitating the Core Health and Heart Forgiveness Series to hundreds of people, over 200 of them from our Pinellas County School System! We’ve received extremely encouraging feedback from participants, even two years after they participated in these life-enhancing processes. Last week I sent out a testimony from Michelle Glenn, a School Social Worker. Today’s testimony comes from Briana Bruni, an elementary school Teacher in our district.

“Core Health has had a profound effect in all of my relationships. This is especially true with my students. This clearly became evident as I worked with two brothers that come from a culture of mistrust until it has been earned. These boys had been to many different schools prior to mine, had never really made any connections at those schools and felt no one really cared for them, including their parents. They had a reputation for trouble and their mom also had a reputation for being difficult.

I had been working with the boys for about 3 months before I began Core Health’s 12-week program. I had a good relationship with them but they did not allow too much closeness. About 2 to 3 weeks into the Core Health program, I was working with them when one of the boys said, ‘Could I have a hug?’ Of course, I complied. Then the other one asked for one as well. I received 3 more hugs that week. I was pleasantly surprised since these boys were asking me for the hugs and allowing me into their personal space. Other students started coming towards me to say “Good morning”, or “Hi”. Other students came and gave hugs. I must mention that most of these are not MY students, but are enrolled in our school. For many of them, I didn’t even know their names.

The effect this program has had upon me has reached to many aspects of my life. Even at home, my husband noticed that I seemed calmer. My relationship with my own children has also improved. My oldest, a teenage boy, hugs me more and makes it a point to kiss me goodnight daily. We talk more. The same can be said about my other children.

The changes due to Core Health are definitely amazing. It does take practice and commitment to make conscious decisions to choose how you respond and adjust your attitude. Core Health makes your day happier, less stresed and lighter, It is not to say you won’t have challenges, but the attitude shift you experience and carry with you makes them easier to handle.

I would recommend these workshops to all who feel there is a spiritual connection to a higher power that everyone is linked to. You must experience the whole course in order to understand and receive the benefits of this wonder journey.” ~ Biama Bruni , elementary school teacher, April, 2011


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