
The Magic Within

exist to be happy

When you remember yourself you will have found peace within!

I can help, call me!


DNA Relevance In Your Life

Do your emotions affect your health, your life, the world?
Science is proving this is so. What does this mean for you?
Does early childhood programming affect you today?
Has your belief system of living limited you?


Forgive Them, Never!

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. . .why should I forgive those people? They don’t deserve it! You think I’m gonna risk, or other innocent people are gonna risk, being lied-to, taken-advantage-of, and insulted again and again by . . . . . . .? Don’t insult my intelligence! Get real, man! When are you gonna join the rest of us in the real world?”

unforgiveness binds“Forgive them? I’m gonna do everything in my power to get them out of my / our life forever! I HATE them!”

This is the response of a lot of folks today anytime someone suggests that they forgive certain people. Certainly the Presidential election has elicited exactly this kind of response from a lot of folks. And there are countless individuals who, in their personal lives, have been cheated, abused, raped, beaten, lied-to and stolen from, and many of them are in no mood to be forgiving. Maybe you’re one of them. I understand. The abuse may have happened decades ago in childhood, but they’re still carrying around the painful, festering memories, and the ANGER they elicit.

But look, while ANGER is certainly an understandable reaction to the many injustices that we deal with, it’s but a temporary solution at best. Take it from me, I’ve been there. I’m really no different than you. Because of the un-resolved anger within me that I carried for years, I was confused, fearful, and depressed. I was on antidepressant medication for ten years! Guilt, shame, fear and anger kept me depressed for decades. It smoldered beneath the surface, and finally errupted into a full-blown clinical depression. For years I DENIED it. REPRESSED it. That only led to more CON-FUSION. I PROJECTED it out onto others: “THEY’RE the guilty ones! The ‘losers’, NOT ME!”
Oh yes, I know RIGHTEOUS indignation!

A couple of other people come to mind as I consider this matter of ANGER. They each had to deal with intense ANGER over the INJUSTICES they experienced were Nelson Mandella and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Oh, don’t think they didn’t want to hate and lash out in rage at their oppressors!

You KNOW they did!

But they were wise enough to know that this would not solve anything, and it would only make them MORE miserable! They chose, instead, to FORGIVE!

Nelson Mandela said this about ANGER:

Being angry at someone is like swallowing poison and expecting them to die.

He learned this while being incarcerated and put in solitary confinement for 18 years by the white supremacist apartheid dominant party in highly segregated South Africa. Mr. Mandela led the fight for FREEDOM in that country, and the POWER of love and the capacity to FORGIVE, in him, eventually prevailed in that nation.

Dr. King said:

We must develop and maintain the capacity to FORGIVE. He who is DEVOID of the power to FORGIVE is DEVOID of the power to LOVE. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.

A heart that is devoid of LOVE is a shrunken, miserable heart! When we stop and think about it like this, WHY would we want to give any person – including our own little self – the power to OPPRESS us like this?

HEART FORGIVENESS is a process that has PROVEN to be powerfully EFFECTIVE in helping individuals like you and me take the key to the prison of hate and shame and fear we have made and set ourselves FREE!

Maybe NOW is the time to give yourself this POWERFUL gift. Why wait any longer? Haven’t you suffered enough?

The gift of a more quiet, lighter, more JOYful heart is no small thing! It blesses not only the one who’s HEART has been unburdened, but everyone else in our lives as well! Believe me, they’ll feel the difference in us!

Oh yes, and about those terrible injustices in our lives. . . no, of course they won’t magically go away; we’ll just have enormously more energy and clarity in dealing more effectively with them.

Make sense? It did for me and continues to hold to this day! HEART FORGIVENESS worked POWERFULLY for me!

It can for YOU too!

Phil Orth

Philip Orth, MA, is an Advanced Core Health Facilitator call or email him to find out how you can relieve the burden of anger and/or un-forgiveness in your life.

See his Workshop schedules here.


The KEY is to be FREE!

FORGIVENESS is the name of love practiced among people who love poorly.  The hard truth is that all people love poorly.  We need to forgive and be forgiven every day, every hour increasingly.  That is the great work of love among the fellowship of the weak that is the human family.”
~ Rev. Henri J.M. Nouwen

When I tell you about the Heart Forgiveness and Core Health processes, I’m talking about ways of expressing and receiving LOVE in the depths of our being.  That’s what the whole world needs.  And what is love?  “Love is letting go – FORGIVING – of fear.”  That’s as good a definition of love that I know.  That’s what our families need.  That’s what our communities need.  Our neighborhoods.  LOVE is what each of us need.  But to receive it we have to first remove the BLOCKS to the awareness of Love’s Presence. . .in our hearts.  In our energy fields.

Then we can know real PEACE.  The peace that sets us FREE.  And
. . .the KEY is to be FREE!

Until the BLOCKS are removed deep in the subconscious layers, in our energy field with its layers of confusion, “issues” and distortions, we will continue going about talking about love, longing for love, and being cynical about not having enough LOVE in our lives.

These series are about REMOVING the BLOCKS to the awarenes of LOVE’S Presence.  When we are truly ready and willing to allow this to happen in us, something POWERFUL like the Heart Forgiveness and Core Health processes come into our awareness.  Is it the “Law of Attraction”?  Likely. We have the opportunity to CHOOSE to engage them and to experience what real FREEDOM really feels like.

We will, however, NOT likely be attracted to something like this if we’d still rather hold onto our hidden (and not so hidden) hates, and secret (and not so secret) resentments.  The choice always comes down to this:

Do I want to be truly FREE?  From the inside.
That’s where all the POWER is.

These processes are PAINLESS;  no one has to “tell their story”.  They get RESULTS, quickly, deeply, thoroughly and reliably!

ENDORSED by Drs. Bruce Lipton, PhD, Cell Biologist, author of The Biology of Belief, and Norm Shealey, MD, author of 21 publications and 10 books.

Workshops and/or private sessions are available; see the 2017 Winter/Spring


2017 Opening Workshops

2017 Winter – Spring Calendar for 
Core Health, 
Energy Essentials Life Application Series
Facilitated by Philip Orth, MA
Advanced Core Health / Heart Forgiveness Facilitator
Retired School Counselor

Register by January 4th for a 10% discount!  

“What I wanted to accomplish through years of psychotherapy (and never really did) I accomplished in a few weeks with Core Health!”  
              ~ Current Core Health participant

This is your opportunity to experience real inner peace. . .
a fresh sense of POWER to accomplish your goals. . .
bringing a LIGHTNESS into all your relationships. . .
with others, yourself and GOD!


Schedule of Small Group Series 
Heart Forgiveness Series 
    Wednesdays, 5:45 – 7:45 p.m.  (evening times subject to adjustment)
    January 18, 25, Feb. 1, 8
Heart Forgiveness Series 
    Thursdays, 5:45 – 7:45 p.m. (evening times subject to adjustment)
    January 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9
Heart Forgiveness Series 
    Saturdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
    January 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11

Core Health Series 
    Thursdays, 5:45 – 7:45 p.m. (evening times subject to adjustment)
Part I:  Creating a Solid/Healthy Self:  
    Feb. 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23
Part II:  Clearing All Relationships and Beyond
    March 30, April 6, 13, 20, 27, two weeks laterMay 11
Core Health Series 
    Saturdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m
Part I:  Creating a Solid/Healthy Self:  
    Feb.18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25
Part II:  Clearing All Relationships and Beyond
    April 1, 8, 15, 22, two weeks laterMay 13, 20

Individual Sessions by appointment beginning Wednesday, January 18th.
LOCATION:  300 S. Duncan Ave., Suite 292, Clearwater, FL 33755
To REGISTER:  Contact Philip Orth online at or by phone at 727-239-6485.

Give yourself the BEST GIFT!

Give Yourself The Best Gift This Christmas. . . .

The Peace of God That That Flows From a Heart of Forgiveness!  

December 21, 2016
“Surely He taught us to love one another.
His gift is love and His Gospel is peace.”
Let’s cut to the chase;  what’s Christmas all about any way?  We all know it’s NOT really about shopping and going crazy buying a lot of stuff that will be thrown away the day after Christmas so people think nice things about us!  Nor is it about getting more stuff we really want, but don’t need!  What it’s really all about is:  
Divine LOVE!
A Love above and beyond anything we can think or imagine!  THIS is the real GIFT of Christmas!  And THIS is the only thing that REALLY satisfies!  You know that, don’t you.  But, HOW do we access this Gift?  How do we experience IT for ourselves?  That’s the question.
Simply put:  Jesus – the child of Christmas – came to bring to our AWARENESS the Gift, the Grace, of knowing we are Loved always and forever by our Creator, our Father!  And to know this he said we have to GIVE it.  
This GIFT of LOVE is most clearly given and received through FORGIVENESS. . . from the HEART.  To truly receive it, he said we must GIVE it.  Everything else flows from there.
Sorry folks!  That’s it.  That’s the real “Secret”  
We’ve tried to complicate it with all kinds of laws and rules and rituals;  but the essence of the Christmas GIFT – the GOOD NEWS of Jesus – is this giving and receiving of God’s unconditional LOVE from the Heart.  The extention of it to EVERYONE!  Even to our “enemies”!  Even to our crucifiers!  
In the most well-known prayer ever given to humankind, “the Lord’s Prayer”, we are instructed to say:  
“FORGIVE us our trespasses 
AS WE FORGIVE those who tresspass against us.”  
He’s not talking about “OK, I know I’m supposed to forgive you.  So, I forgive you.”  He’s talking about a CHANGE of HEART!  And until our Heart opens and receives the Dove, the Holy Spirit – the Love of God – nothing much changes in our awareness and experience.  We’re still all bound up!  It’s that simple, folks.
 As long as we’re waiting for someone ELSE to change and be the way we want them to be, we’re making THEM responsible for our happiness!  And when they don’t come through – AGAIN – we feel even more justified in our hurt and resentment!  What an oppressive, thoroughly frustrating, depressing way to live!  

The GIFT of CHRISTMAS sets us FREE from all that insanity!  

And the KEY is to be FREE!

Real FORGIVENESS is a DECISION we make from our HEARTS and from the very bowles of our BEING.  it’s a DECISION to give our justified hates and smoldering resentments to GOD!  It’s a DECISION to extend the Love of God to our neighbor, to the least among us, including the one we consider the very least. . .our own shriveled sense of self!  
It’s a DECISION to live no longer for our little small-self-centered agendas, but for GOD!  
GOD is for giving!  
That’s T H E   W H O L E   P O I N T  of CHRISTMAS!  
Jesus came to set us FREE.  Free from oppression.  Free from hurt, fear and guilt.  Free from hate.  Free to Love!  Free to Give!  Free to extend FORGIVENESS!  From the HEART!  Free to be fully aive!  Free to live in JOY!  Free to live in PEACE within ourselves.
The KEY is to be FREE!
      +         +       +         +         +         +         +
A process has been developed and refined to help us better give and receive the grace of FORGIVENESS from the HEART.  It’s called 
I first experienced this process in the Fall of 2007, and have been helping many other people through this process for the past eight years.  The RESULTS have been amazing!  I’ve experienced lives being changed!  People getting FREE from the inside, and saying FREE!  I’m making it available to YOU again NOW, but you have to DECIDE to RECEIVE it.  Below is the schedule of three HEART FORGIVENES small group series being offered in January right here in Clearwater.  Or, you may want to do the process one-on-one with me.  The process takes four weeks:  four two-hour sessions on a weekly basis.
Love is first of all a decision.  Love is a “contact sport”, and Forgiveness is a participatory process in which you must participate 100% from your heart and energy in order to receive and experience the shift to LOVEEnergy is real.  We teach you to fully engage your energy.  So, there’s daily homework, or “homePLAY”, between each session, because we’re letting go old habits and developing new ones.
For those who register before December 31st, a 10% discount is being offered off the regular registration fee.  Please decide soon, so you can enjoy the discount!  And give the gift to your friends by telling them about this opportunity!  Already they have begun filling up!  
Schedule of Group Series (two-to-five people)
Heart Forgiveness Series 
Wednesdays, 5:45 – 7:45 p.m.  (evening times subject to adjustment)
January 18, 25, Feb. 1, 8
Heart Forgiveness Series 
Thursdays, 5:45 – 7:45 p.m. (evening times subject to adjustment)
January 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9
Heart Forgiveness Series 
Saturdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
January 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11
Location:  Sentinal Square Office Building
300 S. Duncan Ave., Suite 292
Clearwater, FL 33755
To REGISTER:  Contact Phiip Orth at or call me at 727-239-6485
Have a blessed Christmas and New Year!
Philip Orth, MA
Advanced Core Health / Heart Forgiveness Facilitator
“Forgiveness is the key to happiness.” (ACIM)  
Real Forgiveness is the greatest expression of love in this world.
“Only the strong can forgive”, said Gandhi.

Heart Forgiveness Series Starts October 12th

heart forgiveness workshop

This is a reminder that our October Heart Forgiveness group series starts Wednesday, October 12th and runs for four consecutive Wednesday nights through November 2nd. The sessions go from 6:30 – 8:45 p.m. Early registration is only $200.00 plus $35.00 for materials. The price goes to $300 plus materials fees for all registrations that in after Wednesday, October 5th.

Dr. Redford Williams, MD, wrote a best selling book called ANGER KILLS ten-or-so years ago. In it, he lists the high cost of holding onto hostility and resentment, and the fears that underlie the anger. People normally hold onto anger as they would a shield, to protect them from further hurt and attack, and to let people know what’s important to us. It’s like drawing a line in the sand and saying, “This far and no farther!” It’s a way to “prove” that we really care and are passionate about the issue at hand, or the people involved.

The problem is that we can show that we care, and with passion, much more effectively by letting go the hostility and hatred and assertively standing up and saying we stand. By being assertive rather than angry, hostile and smoldering with resentment, we preserve our own health and enable ourselves to think more clearly without screwing up our energy and our nervous system – and our intelligent ability to problem solve – with negative emotions.

Redford Williams found that prolonged anger is the root cause of heart disease, arthritis and is a precurser to cancer. And it’s terrible for the quality of our relationships – with others, ourself and God! By freeing ourselves of this negative energy, we honor ourselves and maintain the ability to deal with real issues in a more calm and clear fashion. We don’t have to continue to be in “reaction mode” everytime someone pushes our buttons.

Another problem is that so much of the negative energy we carry around all the time is out of our awareness. Why? Because life keeps coming at us and demanding we respond. We don’t have time to adequately process and resolve a lot of the issues that are pushing our buttons. We deny, suppress, repress and press on. We think “out of sight, out of mind,” but that’s not true! The issues just pile up at subconscious levels that accumulate and make us literally ill.

The Heart Forgiveness process amazingly uncovers and helps us release angers that have been buried for years as well as more recent ones. And the process is painless! And you don’t have to even talk about what’s eating you. It’s a completely inside job! And it’s been getting RESULTS for fifteen years! It will for YOU, too.

REGISTER NOW! Make a check for $235.00 to Philip Orth and mail it to him at 1221 Drew St., C14, Clearwater, FL 33755. Please cofirm that the check is in the mail by emailing Phil at

The location of the workshop is at his new office at 300 S. Duncan Ave., Suite 292, Clearwater, FL 33755.


Anger Kills – How To Take The Energy Back

Dr. Redford Williams, MD, wrote a best selling book called ANGER KILLS ten-or-so years ago. In it, he lists the high cost of holding onto hostility and resentment, and the fears that underlie the anger. People normally hold onto anger as they would a shield, to protect them from further hurt and attack, and to let people know what’s important to us. It’s like drawing a line in the sand and saying, “This far and no farther!” It’s a way to “prove” that we really care and are passionate about the issue at hand, or the people involved.

The problem is that we can show that we care, and with passion, much more effectively by letting go the hostility and hatred and assertively standing up and saying we stand. By being assertive rather than angry, hostile and smoldering with resentment, we preserve our own health and enable ourselves to think more clearly without screwing up our energy and our nervous system – and our intelligent ability to problem solve – with negative emotions.

Redford Williams found that prolonged anger is the root cause of heart disease, arthritis and is a precurser to cancer. And it’s terrible for the quality of our relationships – with others, ourself and God! By freeing ourselves of this negative energy, we honor ourselves and maintain the ability to deal with real issues in a more calm and clear fashion. We don’t have to continue to be in “reaction mode” everytime someone pushes our buttons.

Another problem is that so much of the negative energy we carry around all the time is out of our awareness. Why? Because life keeps coming at us and demanding we respond. We don’t have time to adequately process and resolve a lot of the issues that are pushing our buttons. We deny, suppress, repress and press on. We think “out of sight, out of mind,” but that’s not true! The issues just pile up at subconscious levels that accumulate and make us literally ill.

The Heart Forgiveness process amazingly uncovers and helps us release angers that have been buried for years as well as more recent ones. And the process is painless! And you don’t have to even talk about what’s eating you. It’s a completely inside job! And it’s been getting RESULTS for fifteen years! It will for YOU, too.




“Anger is a profoundly negative reaction that afflicts everyone; it severely damages our body and cells and may well be the single biggest cause of disease. It comes in a variety of forms: anger at others, at ourselves, at God and at life itself. In whatever form it arises, anger weakens our whole body and depleats our energy. It gives control of our energy to “them”. So says Drs. Ed Carlson, DDL, PhD and Livia Kohn, PhD in their 2012 book, CORE HEALTH: The Quantum Way To Inner Power.

“Life is difficult”. This is the opening line to Dr. M. Scott Peck’s classic book, THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED, and it is the experience of everyone living in this world. Life brings hurts and traumas, disappointments and defeats. We look for someone to blame. As we’re growing up, and throughout our life, we see others smoldering in frustration, harboring resentments, suffering from annoyances, erupting in rage, and burning in anger. This is especially impactful when the angry person, or persons, are residing in our house! We see people getting angry in the movies and on TV; athletes losing it and raging. We experience our classmates, colleagues, customers and bosses being angry. Thus we learn that anger is a common reaction in many situations. We adopt anger, and start becoming annoyed at all sorts of things. We begin to harbor grudges against parents, teachers, friends, the church or synagogue, against God, against the Democrats, the Republicans, and life in general. We hold anger toward ourselves that gets repressed and turns to depression when unrelieved. A sense of hopelessness and helplessness seeps in over time, and we become even more ANGRY!

Of course, our culture – Judeo-Christian or otherwise – implores us to forgive and we realize that we want to – or maybe not! Either way, our frustration deepens. We feel our energy like blood draining away as another layer of frustration and resentment sets in. Many of us sincerely want to forgive, to let the past go, yet the conscious mind alone is helpless to relieve the tension in our chest and guts, as so many “triggers” bring it all up again! We sink back into what my friend calls “dredging”, bringing up the past and hashing and rehashing, hashing and rehashing! On and on! The misery deepens! The frustration builds. A re-curring pattern of re-cycling misery and rage has set in, and we feel helpless to get free of it. It roots itself in deep subconscious layers of the mind and body. We are truly in a prison of our own making, but we have the key to unlock the door and let ourselves out. We just need someone to help us find it!

“Heart Forgiveness systematically releases all kinds and forms of anger and creates mastery in living free of anger, living unoffendable. Thereby it restores our energy to its original power and purity.” So says Dr. Carlson. You say, “Really!” To which I say, “Yes, it’s true. It does all this. YOU, too, can find out for yourself! Many already have. Thousands. I’m one of them. I was angry for years. I didn’t know what to do with it, so I denied it. After all, I was a good Christian, and Jesus insists we forgive our neighbor, be merciful and kind and loving. So, that’s what I did. Or that’s what I wanted to do, I should say. But the misery in my guts didn’t go away. The confusion and conflicts in my mind only went deeper. No, denial and “stuffing it” doesn’t work. What we deny and bury gets buried “alive” and now it poisons us invisibly making us even more confused!

Dr. Carlson points out that “Forgiveness does not not mean that we condone, support, accept, or approve of the offending behavior in others, nor does it necessitate that we reestablish a relationship with the individual(s). Rather, Heart Forgiveness totally frees our energy regardless of the other person or event.” So, deep forgiveness – Heart Forgiveness – doesn’t mean we have to “like” the other person. It certainly doesn’t mean we have to pretend to like them. But, with the Heart Forgiveness process, we can LOVE them! Love is first and foremost a decision to honor the pure part in the beloved, and to be willing to care for their wellbeing in ways that are in their highest good as well as our own. Sometimes, love demands that we put ourselves in harms way, (ala Jesus, Dr. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and many others) for the good of the one(s) we love. But that’s always a decision we alone must make. We can’t make that decision for you, or anyone else. There are some decisions that must only be made between ourself and God. Sometimes the decision to love, to extend kindness, is accompanied by warm feelings; but that’s not always possible. At least for the present time.

Dr. Carlson says in this regard, “At the same time, we connect energetically to the pure part in the offending person (or institution) and let go of all energy entanglements to their negative, aggressive, corrupt, and ‘crazy’ behaviors. We come to appreciate and love their pure part, forgive them and release the negtive impact of their craziness on us. Thus we restore our own energy and health. The entire process is documented through energy measuring; it clearly demonstrates that the other person is in control of our energy as long as we harbor anger toward them; that our own angry energy is damaging our body. When we have truly forgiven, we energy measure strong for having regained control of our own energy.”

The Heart Forgiveness process works equally as powerfully for current as for long-standing issues, whether the anger is one month or fifty years old. In fact, it regularly reveals and clears angers that go back to childhood and, although long forgotten by the conscious mind, are still actively percolating in our energy system.

The effect of deep forgiveness work is immediate and far-reaching.

Heart Forgiveness is entirely confidential. There is no need to name anyone or explain who, why, or what we are dealing with at any point in the process. There is no need to relive the ‘story,’ or to tell our ‘tale’. The process simply helps us to release and clear all the anger and frustration from our energy field at deep unconscious levels.

Energy measuring detects when we have forgiven and are 100 percent clear and back in control of our energy. We simply apply the Heart Forgiveness tool of the clearing process until our energy is completely clear again. We can tell because the tightness around this person or these issues is no longer there. We may have to repeat the forgiveness process several times for a given person or issue. Then, when we have mastered the process, we put the tool away in the drawer, so to speak, or in the garage toolbox: “like a hammer or screwdrier, it is always available when needed.”

From CORE HEALTH: The Quantum Way To Inner Power, by Drs. Edwin Carlson, DDL, PhD and Livia Kohn, PhD, 2012, pg. 140ff

For more information about the Heart Forgiveness process and for information about when Heart Forgiveness is being offered in your area, please contact me at, or call 727-239-6485.

Philip Orth, MA
Advanced Core Health Facilitator
Retired School Counselor


5 Things To Quit right now

behaviors to quit

Resolve can be a beautiful thing, but it takes a concentrated commitment that requires consistent focused attention.

It’s like a New Year’s Eve Resolution, you know, that something that you would really like to better at; they rarely get accomplished.

Why? Not because it’s really unworthy, or life enhancing…

but, life happens and routine sets back in (your subconscious programming takes charge again).

Should you, like many of us, find this happening to you, there is hope.

How? Find out here…