Give yourself the BEST GIFT!
Give Yourself The Best Gift This Christmas. . . .
The Peace of God That That Flows From a Heart of Forgiveness!
December 21, 2016
“Surely He taught us to love one another.
His gift is love and His Gospel is peace.”
Let’s cut to the chase; what’s Christmas all about any way? We all know it’s NOT really about shopping and going crazy buying a lot of stuff that will be thrown away the day after Christmas so people think nice things about us! Nor is it about getting more stuff we really want, but don’t need! What it’s really all about is:
Divine LOVE!
A Love above and beyond anything we can think or imagine! THIS is the real GIFT of Christmas! And THIS is the only thing that REALLY satisfies! You know that, don’t you. But, HOW do we access this Gift? How do we experience IT for ourselves? That’s the question.
Simply put: Jesus – the child of Christmas – came to bring to our AWARENESS the Gift, the Grace, of knowing we are Loved always and forever by our Creator, our Father! And to know this he said we have to GIVE it.
This GIFT of LOVE is most clearly given and received through FORGIVENESS. . . from the HEART. To truly receive it, he said we must GIVE it. Everything else flows from there.
Sorry folks! That’s it. That’s the real “Secret”.
We’ve tried to complicate it with all kinds of laws and rules and rituals; but the essence of the Christmas GIFT – the GOOD NEWS of Jesus – is this giving and receiving of God’s unconditional LOVE from the Heart. The extention of it to EVERYONE! Even to our “enemies”! Even to our crucifiers!
In the most well-known prayer ever given to humankind, “the Lord’s Prayer”, we are instructed to say:
“FORGIVE us our trespasses
AS WE FORGIVE those who tresspass against us.”
He’s not talking about “OK, I know I’m supposed to forgive you. So, I forgive you.” He’s talking about a CHANGE of HEART! And until our Heart opens and receives the Dove, the Holy Spirit – the Love of God – nothing much changes in our awareness and experience. We’re still all bound up! It’s that simple, folks.
As long as we’re waiting for someone ELSE to change and be the way we want them to be, we’re making THEM responsible for our happiness! And when they don’t come through – AGAIN – we feel even more justified in our hurt and resentment! What an oppressive, thoroughly frustrating, depressing way to live!
The GIFT of CHRISTMAS sets us FREE from all that insanity!
And the KEY is to be FREE!
Real FORGIVENESS is a DECISION we make from our HEARTS and from the very bowles of our BEING. it’s a DECISION to give our justified hates and smoldering resentments to GOD! It’s a DECISION to extend the Love of God to our neighbor, to the least among us, including the one we consider the very least. . .our own shriveled sense of self!
It’s a DECISION to live no longer for our little small-self-centered agendas, but for GOD!
GOD is for giving!
That’s T H E W H O L E P O I N T of CHRISTMAS!
Jesus came to set us FREE. Free from oppression. Free from hurt, fear and guilt. Free from hate. Free to Love! Free to Give! Free to extend FORGIVENESS! From the HEART! Free to be fully aive! Free to live in JOY! Free to live in PEACE within ourselves.
The KEY is to be FREE!
+ + + + + + +
A process has been developed and refined to help us better give and receive the grace of FORGIVENESS from the HEART. It’s called
I first experienced this process in the Fall of 2007, and have been helping many other people through this process for the past eight years. The RESULTS have been amazing! I’ve experienced lives being changed! People getting FREE from the inside, and saying FREE! I’m making it available to YOU again NOW, but you have to DECIDE to RECEIVE it. Below is the schedule of three HEART FORGIVENES small group series being offered in January right here in Clearwater. Or, you may want to do the process one-on-one with me. The process takes four weeks: four two-hour sessions on a weekly basis.
Love is first of all a decision. Love is a “contact sport”, and Forgiveness is a participatory process in which you must participate 100% from your heart and energy in order to receive and experience the shift to LOVE. Energy is real. We teach you to fully engage your energy. So, there’s daily homework, or “homePLAY”, between each session, because we’re letting go old habits and developing new ones.
For those who register before December 31st, a 10% discount is being offered off the regular registration fee. Please decide soon, so you can enjoy the discount! And give the gift to your friends by telling them about this opportunity! Already they have begun filling up!
Schedule of Group Series (two-to-five people)
Heart Forgiveness Series
Wednesdays, 5:45 – 7:45 p.m. (evening times subject to adjustment)
January 18, 25, Feb. 1, 8
Heart Forgiveness Series
Thursdays, 5:45 – 7:45 p.m. (evening times subject to adjustment)
January 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9
Heart Forgiveness Series
Saturdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
January 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11
Location: Sentinal Square Office Building
300 S. Duncan Ave., Suite 292
Clearwater, FL 33755
Have a blessed Christmas and New Year!
Philip Orth, MA
Advanced Core Health / Heart Forgiveness Facilitator
“Forgiveness is the key to happiness.” (ACIM)
Real Forgiveness is the greatest expression of love in this world.
“Only the strong can forgive”, said Gandhi.
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