Anger Kills – How To Take The Energy Back

Dr. Redford Williams, MD, wrote a best selling book called ANGER KILLS ten-or-so years ago. In it, he lists the high cost of holding onto hostility and resentment, and the fears that underlie the anger. People normally hold onto anger as they would a shield, to protect them from further hurt and attack, and to let people know what’s important to us. It’s like drawing a line in the sand and saying, “This far and no farther!” It’s a way to “prove” that we really care and are passionate about the issue at hand, or the people involved.

The problem is that we can show that we care, and with passion, much more effectively by letting go the hostility and hatred and assertively standing up and saying we stand. By being assertive rather than angry, hostile and smoldering with resentment, we preserve our own health and enable ourselves to think more clearly without screwing up our energy and our nervous system – and our intelligent ability to problem solve – with negative emotions.

Redford Williams found that prolonged anger is the root cause of heart disease, arthritis and is a precurser to cancer. And it’s terrible for the quality of our relationships – with others, ourself and God! By freeing ourselves of this negative energy, we honor ourselves and maintain the ability to deal with real issues in a more calm and clear fashion. We don’t have to continue to be in “reaction mode” everytime someone pushes our buttons.

Another problem is that so much of the negative energy we carry around all the time is out of our awareness. Why? Because life keeps coming at us and demanding we respond. We don’t have time to adequately process and resolve a lot of the issues that are pushing our buttons. We deny, suppress, repress and press on. We think “out of sight, out of mind,” but that’s not true! The issues just pile up at subconscious levels that accumulate and make us literally ill.

The Heart Forgiveness process amazingly uncovers and helps us release angers that have been buried for years as well as more recent ones. And the process is painless! And you don’t have to even talk about what’s eating you. It’s a completely inside job! And it’s been getting RESULTS for fifteen years! It will for YOU, too.


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